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The Art of Facebook Ads: Setting Client Expectations, Testing, and Adapting for Success

By June 16th, 2023No Comments

In the world of digital marketing, Facebook advertising has become a crucial component for many businesses. However, managing expectations, testing ad strategies, and adapting to changes can be a challenge for both clients and agency owners. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of setting expectations, testing ad campaigns, and making adjustments to optimize success in Facebook advertising.

  1. Setting Expectations with Clients

As agency owners, it’s important to set realistic expectations with clients from the beginning. Many clients tend to view Facebook advertising as a vending machine, where they can simply put in money and expect instant results. However, Facebook advertising is far from linear, and there’s often work and effort involved in achieving desired outcomes.

During the onboarding process, be sure to communicate that there may be testing phases and adjustments necessary to create a successful campaign. Emphasize that the agency may need five to seven days to test new strategies before determining their effectiveness. Providing this buffer will help manage expectations and prevent clients from panicking when a campaign doesn’t produce immediate results.

  1. The Importance of Testing and Adapting

When a campaign isn’t working, it’s crucial to identify the problem, make adjustments, and test new strategies. This may involve swapping out components, refining the target audience, or altering the ad copy. As the agency owner, you should be able to gauge whether an adjustment is effective within two days, but always communicate a five to seven day testing period to clients.

To get the most out of testing, consider running A/B tests with different ad elements. For example, use the same image with and without text to determine which version performs better. Limit the number of variables you change in each test to identify the specific element that’s driving the change in results.

  1. Adapting to Smaller Audiences

When working with clients who have smaller target audiences, you may need to adjust your approach. Instead of running four different ad variations, consider narrowing it down to one or two. This will help avoid fragmenting the audience and may lead to more effective results. Additionally, running fewer ad variations will make it easier to identify which changes are driving the desired outcome.

  1. The Power of Incremental Changes

When testing and making adjustments to ad campaigns, it’s important not to change too many elements at once. If you alter multiple components, such as the headline, lead generation form, and image, it becomes difficult to determine which change led to the improved results. Focus on making incremental adjustments to hone in on the factors that are truly driving success.


Facebook advertising is a powerful tool, but it requires patience, testing, and adaptation to achieve the best results. Setting expectations with clients from the beginning, focusing on incremental changes, and allowing time for testing will help create a smoother experience for both agency owners and clients. By following these principles, you’ll be well on your way to developing effective and successful Facebook ad campaigns.