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Running An Agency

Top 10 Lead Generation Myths in 2024: What’s Really Sabotaging Your ROI

By August 30th, 2024No Comments

Ever wonder why your lead gen funnel feels like a rusty old treadmill?

Spoiler alert: it’s because you’re running on outdated myths and misconceptions. So let’s bust a few baddies, shall we?

Myth 1: “Lead Quality is Just Not Good Anymore”

Oh, poor you—stuck with low-quality leads. Here’s a little secret: bad leads aren’t a brand-wide conspiracy against you. Usually, the real saboteur is closer to home. The biggest criminal? Bad ads.

If your ad is an afterthought, your results will follow suit. Quality ads are the first domino in your lead gen game. Picture this: niche-specific, value-rich ads that instantly scream, “I’m worth your attention.” Want some proven ads that aren’t a dumpster fire? We’ve got you covered at Yes, they’re free, because we care.

Myth 2: “Sales Funnels Are Magical Unicorns”

You’d think sending people to an external landing page works like a magical spell. Fairy tales are nice and all, but let’s get real. Your sales funnel should be as pragmatic as a Swiss Army knife, not as elusive as Bigfoot.

Focus on your message from the get-go, and treat every part of the journey with respect. A quality ad leading to a thoughtful squeeze form is miles away from funnel voodoo. And by the way, call it a squeeze form, because the goal is to squeeze value out of every click you pay for.

Myth 3: “People Will Just Call”

Let’s talk about what happens when your clients start spouting, “People don’t answer their phones.” The problem isn’t phone aversion; it’s your lack of compelling reasons for them to pick up.

Here’s a wild idea: offer something irresistible right from the thank-you page. Oh, you mean you use that page just to say “thanks”? Well, there’s your first mistake. Use it to continue the conversation. Try, “Hey, not done yet. Here’s a killer offer, just for you.”

Myth 4: “More Steps Means More Leads”

Oh, the joys of overcomplication. Here’s a tip: streamline your process! A qualified ad should lead to a playful but potent squeeze form, which should naturally glide into a value-plus-booking page.

Myth 5: “Rushing Is Rewarding”

Here’s some real talk: most rush jobs end up half-baked. Fancy getting a hundred clicks but zero bookings? Of course not. But if you nurture quality over quantity from the start, even a 10% conversion rate will positively glow.

Myth 6: “Attribution is a Nightmare”

Attribution—those gory details of who clicked what and why—are not your enemy. Simplify the chaos by using lead forms within Facebook. That way, tracking isn’t like pulling teeth. It’s right there, crystal clear.

Myth 7: “Book Instantly, or Bust”

Ever tried rushing love? Yeah, same disaster applies. The booking impulse is just setting you up for heartbreak. Think of it as dating: nurture interest before popping the question. Hence, a good ad, followed by a subtle shift to a booking page. Genius.

Myth 8: “Sales Funnels are Just Software

Russell Brunson is a marketing god, but let’s not get religious about ClickFunnels. Your funnel starts from the moment someone sees your ad, long before any click to your beloved landing page.

It’s the message of your ad that matters. Disassociate from tech obsession and focus on creating a journey that feels natural and valuable to your audience.

Myth 9: “Offline Clicking Disrupts Flow”

Lead forms within Facebook load faster than a teenager on TikTok. Keep the clicks smooth and within the platform, and you maintain momentum that drives a seamless conversion lag-free.

Myth 10: “Complexity Equals Success”

If you think adding more steps and technicalities will impress, congratulations, you’ve made your life harder and your leads scarcer. It’s never been easier to launch and manage ad campaigns that actually work with the right tools. Streamline your process, automate it, and you’ve got a goldmine.

Wrapping it all up:

  • Focus on the message, not the medium
  • Keep it simple: quality adssqueeze formsvalue pages
  • Avoid complexity like Monday mornings
  • Automate where you can—self-care for agencies, folks

And if this seems like a lot, it’s because it is. But don’t worry, we’ve got the tools, the data, and the smarts to make this as painless as possible.

Here’s to never hearing “Facebook ads don’t work” ever again. Cheers, from UpHex.