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Running An Agency

Boost Lead Quality: Agency Guide

By April 17th, 2024No Comments

Conquering Lead Quality Complaints: A Guide for Agencies

In the agency world, lead quality complaints from clients are a common hurdle. Often, upon closer inspection, the issue isn’t the leads themselves, but rather the client’s follow-up process. As an agency, navigating these situations effectively is crucial for maintaining strong client relationships and campaign success. This post will equip you with strategies to address lead quality concerns and guide your clients towards better results.

Clients, especially those new to Facebook leads, may come in with unrealistic expectations shaped by experiences with warm referrals. They might not grasp the difference between a referral and a Facebook lead, where trust and credibility need to be established. This is where setting clear expectations from the outset becomes paramount. As an agency, it’s essential to educate clients about the nuances of Facebook leads and the importance of a robust follow-up system.

Dive Deeper: Watch Our Expert Discussion

You’ll learn:

  • The significance of setting expectations early on
  • Implementing “ghost leads” to assess client follow-up
  • Optimizing lead calling protocols
  • Leveraging call recordings for insightful feedback

Setting expectations upfront is key. Utilize onboarding calls to educate clients about the nature of Facebook leads and the need for a proactive follow-up approach. Share a clear follow-up protocol, emphasizing the importance of timely responses and consistent communication.

Implementing “ghost leads” is a game-changer. By posing as a lead yourself, you gain valuable insights into the client’s follow-up process, allowing you to pinpoint areas for improvement. This first-hand experience provides concrete evidence to support your recommendations and encourages clients to refine their approach.

Regularly review and refine your clients’ follow-up process. Encourage them to “walk you through” their current approach, enabling you to identify any gaps or inconsistencies. Provide constructive feedback and offer actionable suggestions to enhance their lead management system.

Leverage call recordings as a powerful tool for improvement. Analyze recordings to assess the quality of client interactions and identify areas where scripting or communication style can be enhanced. Sharing specific examples with clients helps them understand the impact of their approach and motivates them to implement positive changes.

Key Actions To Take

Set Expectations

During onboarding, educate clients about Facebook leads and the importance of a proactive follow-up process.

Implement Ghost Leads

Sign up as a lead to evaluate the client’s follow-up system and provide targeted feedback.

“The only way that you can do that right upfront are your Google reviews... and then your follow-up, how quickly are you reaching out?”

Reap the Rewards

“It’s one thing to say, ‘this is what we want you to do’ and point fingers, but it’s another thing to actually have that information applicable.”

By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only address lead quality complaints but also cultivate stronger client relationships built on trust and transparency.

Expect to see:

  • Improved lead conversion rates
  • Increased client satisfaction
  • Enhanced campaign performance


Increase in lead conversion rates


Client satisfaction with lead quality


Increase in client revenue