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The Art of Picking Stock Photos and Designing Images for Ads: A Comprehensive Guide

By June 16th, 2023No Comments

When it comes to creating successful ad campaigns, the images you choose play a crucial role in grabbing attention and evoking emotion. This blog post aims to teach you the main principles and lessons of picking stock photos and designing images for ads. We will use a car and truck example as a case study, but the principles discussed can be applied to any industry. Let’s dive in!

  1. Contrasting and Eye-Catching Design: For any ad, it’s important to have a design with high contrast to grab attention. In our car and truck example, we look for images that pop and stand out. While we won’t be using a credit card design in our example, the same principle applies – the more eye-catching and contrasting the image, the more likely it is to grab the viewer’s attention.
  2. Picking Stock Photos: When choosing stock photos, go for images that immediately catch your eye. If you find yourself questioning whether the photo is good or not, it probably isn’t the best choice. Remember, if you think it’s a good-looking photo, chances are other people will think the same.
  3. Consider the Area and Context: Make sure the stock photos you choose are relevant to the area you’re targeting. In our car and truck example, we considered the geographical context, ensuring that the photos could pass as being from the targeted location. This is especially important when using images that feature landscapes or landmarks.
  4. Image Contrast and Balance: Adjusting the contrast in your chosen images can make them more eye-catching, but be careful not to make them distracting. Ensure that the image remains balanced and visually appealing. You can do this within your design tool or by using photo editing software like Photoshop.
  5. Color Coordination: Use a color extractor tool, like Adobe’s color extractor, to pull out the color themes from your chosen images. This will help you maintain a cohesive design that works well with your images. Ensure that the colors you choose are appropriate for your target audience and industry.
  6. Adding Text and Logos: When adding text and logos to your images, be mindful of their prominence. Too much text or an overly prominent logo can reduce the effectiveness of your ad. In our example, we added a small amount of text to communicate the ad’s message without overwhelming the image. Remember, the goal is to maintain a visually appealing design that captures attention.

Conclusion: Picking the right stock photos and designing images for ads is a crucial aspect of creating effective ad campaigns. Keep these principles in mind – contrasting design, appealing stock photos, geographical context, image contrast and balance, color coordination, and minimal text – to ensure your ads stand out and resonate with your target audience. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating successful and visually appealing ad campaigns.