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The Ultimate Guide to the “Easy Ad Formula” for Lead Generation Agencies

By January 31st, 2024No Comments

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, lead generation stands as one of the most sought-after outcomes for businesses. However, achieving consistent and high-quality leads through platforms like Facebook can be a challenging endeavor. Enter the “Easy Ad Formula” for Lead Gen Agencies, a strategy that has transformed the way agencies approach Facebook advertising.

Understanding the Foundation

The foundation of this formula is built on three pivotal components:

  1. The Right Hook: This is the initial attraction or the element that captures the audience’s attention.
  2. The Right Offer: This is the value proposition or what you’re offering to the audience.
  3. The Right Call to Action (CTA): This is the action you want your audience to take after viewing the ad.

When these three components align perfectly, the results can be transformative. However, as many agencies have discovered, deviating from this formula, even slightly, can lead to less than optimal results.

The Pitfall of Over-Listening to Customers

While customer feedback is invaluable in many business scenarios, when it comes to advertising, it can sometimes lead agencies astray. For instance, changing the offer based on customer feedback might seem like a good idea, but it can disrupt the formula’s balance. The key is to understand when to incorporate feedback and when to stick to the tried-and-true formula.

The Concept of Marketing Control

One of the most enlightening aspects of the “Easy Ad Formula” is the idea of a marketing control. Drawing parallels from Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc^2, the concept emphasizes the importance of a consistent formula in marketing.

In the realm of advertising, the formula is often referred to as the 40-40-20 rule:

  1. 40% Targeting: This pertains to the audience you’re trying to reach.
  2. 40% Offer: This is about the value proposition or the call to action.
  3. 20% Creative: This involves the aesthetics of the ad, such as visuals and words.

While many might assume that the creative aspect holds the most weight, in reality, the audience and the offer are equally crucial. The creative, though important, plays a secondary role.

Ad Fatigue vs. Algorithm Fatigue

A common misconception in the advertising world is the idea of “ad fatigue.” Many believe that if an ad starts strong but then tapers off in performance, it’s because the audience has grown tired of it. However, more often than not, the real culprit is “algorithm fatigue.”

Platforms like Facebook use algorithms to determine which ads to show to which users. Sometimes, due to various factors, an ad might not perform as well on a particular day. This can lead to a snowball effect where the algorithm becomes less likely to show the ad, assuming it’s no longer effective.

The solution? Instead of changing the ad, it’s often more beneficial to reset it. This can be achieved by putting the ad back into the learning phase, allowing it to find a new audience segment to target.

The Power of UpHex in Ad Strategy

UpHex stands as a valuable tool in this advertising journey. With features like the recycle button, advertisers can easily reset their ads, placing them in a new position within the ad set. This, along with other ad buying strategies offered by UpHex, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns.


The “Easy Ad Formula” for Lead Gen Agencies offers a comprehensive approach to Facebook advertising. By understanding and implementing its principles, agencies can significantly improve their lead generation results. Remember, in the world of advertising, consistency, understanding the audience, and having the right tools at your disposal, like UpHex, can make all the difference.